Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy
We take user privacy seriously and take reasonable efforts to protect it. We have created this Privacy Policy in order to share with you our information collection.

We will never knowingly sell or assign your personal information without your knowledge and/or approval.

We gather your details because they are necessary to accept and process your orders, and to make sure you’ve got your packages.

At, we collect name and username, email address, physical address, phone number
•    For easy delivery to your door step we use your physical address and phone number.
•    For mass mailing services we use your email address to send you emails (if you have subscribed for them)

We may use or disclose personally identifiable information to:
1.    Operate and manage the website.
2.    Provide products/services that have been requested by you;
3.    Respond to other inquires or requests by you.
4.    Provide you with information about specials, sales or new products or services that we will introduce in the future.

Since this is a growing website, this Policy is subject to change at any time and any changes will be posted on this page.

We are doing our best to guarantee the security of your personal details while keeping and using them.